Peacock Plaque M2 Ceramic Bisque
Peacock Plaque M2 Ceramic Bisque
 Peacock Plaque M2 Ceramic Bisque

Peacock Plaque M2 Ceramic Bisque (R20588)

Brand : REFSAN
Price : 1,68€
Barkod : 8681910653634


Artır Azalt

Peacock Plaque M2 Ceramıc Bısque


Width : 6 cm (2,36″)
Height : 14 cm (5,51″)


You can colorize our 3D decorative wall decorations according to your own tastes.
You can use our Ready-made Tile and Ceramic Paints in the coloring process.
You can also paint it with acrylic paint. (The acrylic paint process impairs its compliance with food and hot contact)
The product was heat treated at 1050 ° C and turned into a bisque.
You need to glaze ceramic products with ceramic glaze.
Ceramic glaze is formed at about 1040 - 1050°C.

Firing Temperature
1050 °C
Glazed Firing Temperature
1040 - 1060 °C
Color After Firing
14 cm
6 cm
cultureSettings.RegionId: 0 cultureSettings.LanguageCode: EN